Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Just Jazzin'

Ben Gibbard wins the prize for this year's best April Fool's Day joke, in my book...

It's even better than my co-worker taping a 3M post-it under my mouse, and another co-worker switching the bathroom signs-- believe it or not...

Today Gibbard unveiled his new jazzy vibraphone side project, JUST JAZZIN'

"....There's this side of me and my music that desires a lack of structure and Just Jazzin' does that for me because I am allowed to just play whatever note comes into my head."

(Aaron H.)


Trey said...

I mean we're not as big as Death Cab, but people like it...


Josh said...

that was awesome!

kls said...

Dude, that's awesome - I've totally never even thought about xylophone in collaboration with jazz - that actually sounds amazing!