Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stan Lee and Disney

Comic book legend Stan Lee has set up three projects at Disney, which houses his production shingle POW! Entertainment. The projects have attracted Oscar nominee Richard LaGravenese, scribe Gary Goldman and Robert Teitel and George Tillman Jr. of State Street Pictures.

The projects are based on stories and ideas from Lee, who will executive produce with his POW! partner Gill Champion.

Lee and Champion said the projects are intended to be tentpoles with franchise potential, with the first installments intended to serve as an origin story that lays out the mythology of the plot and characters.

"I only hope Disney will have room at the theme park once they become the tentpole franchises that we envision them to be," Lee joked.

LaGravenese is attached to write and direct Nick Ratchet, revolving around the exploits of a private eye. Sonny Grosso and Larry Jacobson are in talks to produce.

LaGravenese, repped by CAA, last wrote and directed P.S. I Love You. He was nominated for an Oscar for writing The Fisher King.

The action-adventure project Blaze is being written by Goldman (Next), who is repped by APA.

(Aaron H.) - via IMDB.

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